Removable Partial Denture Design Competency- X5015
This competency can be challenged after delivering 2 RPDs. The cast that you choose to design your RPD must be a Kennedy Class I or II. It does not need to be your own patient, but be aware that you must answer questions on the patient as part of the competency (see details below).
This competency consists of the independent designing of an RPD and a verbal exam by a Pros faculty.
You must schedule this competency with a Pros faculty during their office hours. The X-code must be planned ahead of time by your Advocate. A treatment form should be attached to the X-code and you must fill it out prior to challenging this competency. It consists of questions based on the patient whose cast you designed your RPD on.
Grading will be completed on axiUm. The Pros faculty that administers the competency will grade you based on your design and your ability to answer questions about your design during the verbal exam.
For grading criteria, click on the link below: