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Step-by-Step Guide

Periodic Oral Evaluations (D0120), or POE's, are your basic "dental exam" and should be done at least once a year to update a patient's treatment plan and take necessary radiographs. They should also be done when a patient has just been transferred to you to familiarize yourself with the patient and to verify planned treatment. If the patient has already had one within a year's time, the no-charge code should be done (D0120N).

Before the Appointment

You can save a lot of time during the appointment if you do the following ahead of time and fill it out in the Periodic Oral Evaluation template note :

  • Review the treatment notes
  • Find the dates for:
    • the last comprehensive oral evaluation ("OD")
    • the last periodic oral evaluation (POE)
    • current treatment plan
  • Review the health history
  • Review the caries risk assessment
  • Review the radiographs and find the dates for:
    • last FMX
    • last pano
    • last bitewings
  • Determine if they need updated radiographs
  • Review their endodontic treatment history
  • Review notes from the last adult prophy/perio maintenance and find the dates for:
    • last adult prophy/perio maintenance
    • Comprehensive Perio Chart
  • Review their perio diagnosis
  • Write a brief summary of their treatment history at the school

Materials Needed:

  • Basic Cassette
  • Radiographic plates (if needed)
  • Rinn/XCP Rings for radiographs (if needed)


  1. Update health history if older than one year.
  2. Take vitals.
  3. Get start check.
  4. Begin with extraoral and intraoral exams.
  5. Take necessary radiographs and perform radiographic exam.
  6. Perform dental exam, verify any radiographic findings, and chart any new findings.
  7. Perform periodontal exam.
  8. Perform endodontic exam if necessary.
  9. Create new treatment plan.
  10. Have all new findings verified and treatment plan approved by covering faculty.
  11. Have patient sign new treatment plan and print them a copy.