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Step-by-Step Guide
Periodic Oral Evaluations (D0120), or POE's, are your basic "dental exam" and should be done at least once a year to update a patient's treatment plan and take necessary radiographs. They should also be done when a patient has just been transferred to you to familiarize yourself with the patient and to verify planned treatment. If the patient has already had one within a year's time, the no-charge code should be done (D0120N).
Before the Appointment
You can save a lot of time during the appointment if you do the following ahead of time and fill it out in the Periodic Oral Evaluation template note :
- Review the treatment notes
- Find the dates for:
- the last comprehensive oral evaluation ("OD")
- the last periodic oral evaluation (POE)
- current treatment plan
- Review the health history
- Review the caries risk assessment
- Review the radiographs and find the dates for:
- last FMX
- last pano
- last bitewings
- Determine if they need updated radiographs
- Review their endodontic treatment history
- Review notes from the last adult prophy/perio maintenance and find the dates for:
- last adult prophy/perio maintenance
- Comprehensive Perio Chart
- Review their perio diagnosis
- Write a brief summary of their treatment history at the school
Materials Needed:
- Basic Cassette
- Radiographic plates (if needed)
- Rinn/XCP Rings for radiographs (if needed)
- Update health history if older than one year.
- Take vitals.
- Get start check.
- Begin with extraoral and intraoral exams.
- Take necessary radiographs and perform radiographic exam.
- Perform dental exam, verify any radiographic findings, and chart any new findings.
- Perform periodontal exam.
- Perform endodontic exam if necessary.
- Create new treatment plan.
- Have all new findings verified and treatment plan approved by covering faculty.
- Have patient sign new treatment plan and print them a copy.